Thursday, May 8, 2014 - Kanguru’s newest addition to its secure Defender® Collection of flash drives is loaded with security features and convenience. The new Kanguru Defender Elite30™ is designed to provide superior speed, functionality, and exceptional hardware encrypted USB security to organizations seeking to protect their important data.
With the ever-increasing threat of data theft, viruses, malware and cybercrimes- organizations and individuals are looking for convenient, easy-to-use solutions that will protect the sensitive information of their customers, patients, clients and employees.
“The Defender Elite30 combines advanced security features, enhanced high-speed USB 3.0 performance and a physical write protect switch, making it one of the most convenient hardware encrypted USB flash drives on the market today.” says Don Brown, President of Kanguru.
The new Kanguru Defender Elite30 is a secure AES 256-bit, hardware encrypted flash drive utilizing new SuperSpeed USB 3.0 technology for high-speed data transfers. With read speeds of up to 140MB/sec and write speeds of up to 40MB/sec, the Defender Elite30 is one of the fastest secure solid state storage devices available. It’s also the only secure USB 3.0 flash drive with a physical write protect switch. This enables the user to quickly switch to “read-only”, preventing files or presentation from being overwritten if desired. Locking the drive also adds an extra layer of protection from malware or viruses that could exist on a host machine.
Additionally, the Defender Elite30 has the option to be remotely managed along with other Defender® secure USB drives, Defender® Hard Drives and Defender® Solid State Drives (SSD). For organizations seeking to protect portable data on USB, Kanguru Remote Management is by far the best way to secure data. Organizations can choose between a self-hosted remote management option, or a subscription-based cloud option of the Kanguru Remote Management Console™ (KRMC™) to enable full management and tracking abilities of their Kanguru Defender® Drive(s). With KRMC, an administrator can configure and assign the drives to staff members within the organization, then monitor and track them, restrict permissions by domain(s) or IP address, provide reports, push out password support and even wipe all data and delete drives if they are ever lost or stolen.
Every Kanguru Defender® includes a free trial of its built-in real-time Anti-Virus protection to further protect the device and host system from viruses and malware. (The Anti-Virus subscription can be renewed for one or two year licenses for a reasonable fee to receive the full benefit of security updates.)
For more information or to purchase, please visit your Authorized Kanguru Representative, or visit Kanguru Defender Secure Flash Drives for information on Kanguru’s complete USB security solutions.
Kanguru is a global leader in providing secure, hardware encrypted USB portable storage solutions, providing enterprises, organizations and consumers with the best in easy-to-use, secure IT products and data storage. For more information on Kanguru, please visit www.kanguru.com.
Marketing Manager
Kanguru Solutions