Register Your New Kanguru Product
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Please register your new Kanguru product with us using our easy Online Product Registration Form:
Welcome to Kanguru's quality products and services! You've made the right choice for data security, management and duplication. Kanguru's commitment does not stop once you purchase a product. We are committed to you as our valued customer and want to ensure that our quality products and services continue to meet your needs.
To help us deliver efficient technical support and warranty services, please register your new product with us by clicking the type of product purchased from the column to the right, and answering a few simple online questions. Your product will be registered with us in minutes.
If you have purchased several different types of products, please fill out a separate form for each type of product to register them individually or contact us.
If you are having trouble filling out the online registration form, please contact us via email at sales@kanguru.com.
Select your Product Category
- Kanguru Defender® Encrypted External USB Drives
- Kanguru Defender® Encrypted Internal SEDs
- Kanguru Remote Management (KRMC)
- Standard USB Drives (Flash Drives SS3, FlashTrust, FlashBlu30, UltraLock HDDs/SSDs, NVMe)
- Optical Drive Burners (DVD, Blu-ray)
- HDD / SSD Duplicators
- NVMe Duplicators
- USB Duplicators
- Accessories
- DVD / BD / CD Optical Disc Duplicators