Kanguru's Remote Management Architecture

Kanguru Remote Management Console - Cloud Edition
The KRMC Cloud Edition™ is a powerful, cloud-based application that enables one administrator to remotely manage all of the organization's Kanguru Defender secure USB portable devices from anywhere in the world. The Administrator can track, manage, delete lost or stolen drives, generate reports and much more through a secure cloud interface.

Kanguru Remote Management Console - Cloud Pro Edition
KRMC Cloud Pro™ is an upgrade to the cloud-based application with additional features. An Administrator can assign and provide permissions to an unlimited number of sub-administrators to remotely manage selected Kanguru secure USB portable devices from anywhere in the world. This provides a great way for organizations to delegate tasks, separate security segments or divide sub-sets of information depending on the organization's security needs. Administrators can track, manage, delete lost or stolen drives, generate reports and much more through the secure cloud interface.

Kanguru Remote Management Console - Enterprise Edition
The Kanguru Remote Management Console™ (KRMC™)Enterprise Edition is a robust application that enables security administrators to remotely manage and control Kanguru Defender secure USB portable devices from anywhere in the world hosted on their own server. Administrators can remotely wipe or delete lost or stolen devices, limit invalid login attempts, create reports, restrict IP addresses, manage security updates, reset passwords, and much more.